Sunday, July 18, 2010

It's been awhile...

It's been awhile, and my oldest child reminded me I needed to update my blog. So thanks for being patient.

I finished the album for my brother.  It was called "My Father, My Friend" with the subtitle "In my eyes he is..." and each page used a word that my brother chose that he would use to describe our father.  This is how it turned out.  I think he liked it, at least I got an email that said THANK YOU! so that is good...

I covered the predesigned words with patterned paper and cardstock, I then designed the photos to print out 6 inches high.  This was followed by creating my own overlays in Photoshop, using various brushes and quotes.  After doing a computerized overlay to make sure that everything lined up to where I wanted it, I printed and cut the overlays the same size as the letter below it.  Then I painted the edges, inked and distressed each page, designed and glued in various designs and embellishments.  I allowed room for him to insert his own thoughts and left an envelope with room for him to add in some additional personal writings.  I finished the back with modge podge to allow for holding and then added ribbon to the rings on the spine.  TADA!  A year and a half since he requested it, I finished!  HOORAY!

I am currently preparing for a class I am teaching on Tuesday night.  It looks like a fairly small class size so we should be able to accomplish quite a bit.  I am teaching editing with Photoshop Elements, with a short introduction into composition and the rule of thirds in photography.  I finished the outline and now I just have to gather the photos that I will be demonstrating with.  It's all good! 

I find myself wanting to spend time catching my blog up with everything that has taken place over the past two months, but that would be just crazy!  We had graduation from elementary school, graduation from middle school, graduation from high school; Benae came to visit; EFY and a trip or two for the family to Staunton, Virginia.  Game nights, two birthday parties, girls camp, Grandpa's coming to visit, 8th grade formal dance, prom...and believe it or not, that is just to name a few!  Is it any wonder I am constantly forgetting things?

Jessica got accepted to BYU's marching band and is playing first alto saxophone (a great feat for an incoming freshman).  She has decided to change majors to Criminalist Forensics.  WOW!  Benae has moved to Utah State and found that NO ONE STAYS during the summer.  AHHHH!!!  She is hoping to get a job in the department that is more similar to her BYU job, fingers crossed for you, Nae!  She is also adding a minor in Theater so I think that will be very fun!

Time to run, prepare the last items for my sharing time and then, plan lunch, put the baby down and get ready for church.  Just a couple of things left on the list.