Monday, April 26, 2010

Just thinkin' and inkin'

It's a Monday morning, and there are tons of things to be done.  Fortunately for me we had the missionaries come to dinner, which meant everyone chipped in and tidied up, so mostly I just have another load of dishes.  Of course, the never ending laundry basket showed up too, so I will have to address it sometime too, just not right now...

I am still scrambling to make all of the cards ordered for Tanner.  I want them to all look special, but after I make a couple that look the same, they don't look so special to me any longer.   But, my thought is that if they only show up once or twice in a card set, that shouldn't be too monotonous for everyone else, right?

Saturday, after driving like a mad woman to pick Tanner up from his Scout campout, race him to a soccer game, and then jet over to Jessica's Jazz Band concert, we actually made it just in time to hear the band, but most especially, to listen to Jessica's solo.  She played Somewhere Over the Rainbow, and the notes were played with such feeling that tears came to my eyes.  

We have listened to her saxophone for so many years, and to her piano for almost 12...I just cry thinking of losing that when she goes to college.  After having Benae leave, I know just how I will be feeling this September and how empty it is to have them leave for college.  I don't regret either one of them going away to BYU to study, but oh how the thought of them both being gone...or even just one being gone...makes me feel a little hollow.  Like something that should be there isn't.   

But, until then...less than two weeks until Benae comes back to visit!  Hooray!  Can't wait to have everyone together and takes loads of pictures!  We only get to be together for a couple of weeks in May and then a couple more in August when we go to Utah to take Jess to college.  We have so much planned, hopefully we'll actually accomplish some of it.  Our trip out west will give us some time to visit with family, a day or so at a time, but it is better than nothing, right?

Well, enough for now.  Ari is almost done with her breakfast and off on a walk we go.  Until revoir!


1 comment:

  1. On the first page of my Google search images for music sheet quilt, your quilt is the only one that came up that is even close to an idea I have to make for my son. Thanks for posting.
