Thursday, May 13, 2010

A little at a time...

This has been a great week for our family.  With Benae home, the family is all here!  It is so wonderful!  There are so many things we want to go and do, but unfortunately school seems to be getting in our way.  Well, (evil laugh) we might have to do something about that!  Actually, tomorrow is senior skip day, which happens to coincide with when we were having the kids skip school so we could go to Busch Gardens together.  Hopefully we can get an afternoon next week to go and visit the Eastern Shore.

I taught a make-n-take a week and a half ago, and a number of people asked if I would teach a class.  They even made the requests directly as they checked out with their purchases.  So, I am getting together items for the first class.  This will be a fun techniques class that highlights all kinds of different things you can do for cards and layouts.  Here is a sample of one of the cards.  I created the original for my brother's birthday that is this weekend and felt it was a great sample of a variety of techniques.
I am working on my brother's birthday present while still trying to work on the card orders for Tanner's fundraiser.  I sent him a sneak peak and I am excited about how it is turning out.  Today I painted a ship's wheel with Distress Crackle Paint in pewter and I am excited about using it as an envelope on the back of one of the pages for personal notes.  This is one of BoBunny's albums that I have added photos that I have taken of our dad.  I then computer designed overlays that I printed on transparency film.  Little by little it is all coming together.

I realized that my list of projects just seems to be getting longer and longer, instead of shorter.  The girls have been asking me for hair flowers and we are trying to get them done before Benae leaves to go back to school.  So, I have taken the flowers apart, inserted the jewels, and now we need to get them glued on the clips.  Looking around my craft room, at all the piles everywhere, I begin to really wish that I was a list person!  Well, little by little, I will get it all done, or mostly done...and then I will finish painting that room!  One more project on the list!

Off to finishing one more thing...getting the girl's props finished for their photo shoots next week.  I am so excited for those photos!  I'll tell you a little more later, but for now, our favorite Virginia Beach photographer is doing a project and the ideas that she has shared with me are so exciting!   I can't wait to see the pictures that are in her mind come to life.  a-MAAA-zing!!

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