Wednesday, November 10, 2010

My Baby is a Lizard...I think...

It's cold. Okay, not freezing, but definitely cold. My bare feet are screaming for some slippers, a pair of socks, anything! I keep looking at the thermostat wondering if I can hold out, but memories of a $600 oil bill for one month make me realize, I can do it.

Maybe I should go shopping...there are heaters in stores.

Maybe I should go for a drive...I can totally crank up the heat in the car!

But, really...let's talk about the 2 year old. She is crazy! Why do kids kick off the covers on a cold night, on PURPOSE! Why do they strip themselves naked on a cold day, on PURPOSE! Why, when I take the dog out to go potty, does the toddler come running out in just panties, the wind blowing across her body? CRAZY CHILD! It is cold! Don't you know?

So here she is, 67 degrees in the house and she has taken off her clothes. She must be cold blooded to be able to stand the temperature! I'm getting ready to fight the clothes on or off battle, but she did make a concession. How about a hat?!

What a funny girl...

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